Discover how augmented reality (AR) transforms print marketing by adding interactive, trackable experiences. Learn how AR enhances engagement and drives results in your next print campaign.
Discover how direct mail effectively generates leads in the agricultural industry by targeting rural audiences, building trust, and offering personalized solutions to farmers and agri-businesses.
In an era dominated by digital marketing, it’s easy to overlook the impact of traditional methods. Yet, direct mail continues to prove its worth, delivering impressive results that rival its digital counterparts. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just exploring new avenues to reach your audience, understanding the power of direct mail is crucial. Take a look at some recent statistics that highlight why this time-tested strategy remains a potent tool in the Canadian market.
With the final quarter of the year only a couple of months away, businesses are gearing up for one last push to meet their annual targets. While digital marketing often takes the spotlight, direct mail remains a powerful tool that shouldn’t be overlooked. In this blog post, we’ll compare and contrast the effectiveness of direct mail and digital marketing and provide a roadmap for integrating both strategies to achieve maximum impact.
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, capturing and retaining the attention of consumers is no easy feat. With countless messages bombarding audiences from all directions, the ability to stand out amidst the noise has become a paramount challenge for brands. This is where the strategic alliance between Information Packaging and advertising agencies emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way brands communicate and connect with their target audience. We often get asked if we are an advertising agency. We are not, but we work very well with others, especially agencies.
In an increasingly digital world, the allure of print media remains undeniable. From magazines to brochures, promotional materials to direct mail, print content continues to hold a unique place in the hearts and minds of audiences. However, creating compelling print content requires more than just putting words on paper—it demands a strategic approach that considers the medium’s strengths and limitations. Here’s a guide to crafting an effective print content strategy.
February is the month of love, so we thought it would be appropriate to celebrate something we LOVE very much: PRINT! Admittedly, we might be a little bit biased, but honestly, what’s not to love about this timeless marketing medium? Here’s an abbreviated list (because we really could go on and on) of what we love so much about print!
Today’s design spotlight checks all the boxes: Interactive, creative AND award-winning! The dynamic Spinner has been used to launch brands, demonstrate a before and after effect in print, and has been used countless times as a holiday card.
Timeless entertaining and unexpected, the dynamic Staged Mailer design has been a fan favorite for years. In most instances, it ships flat, making this design postal-friendly and cost-effective, but when you open it up, there is nothing flat about it. The Staged Mailer has been used to present pop-up replicas of buildings, products, logos, etc. For this design, literally all the world is a stage. Take a look at some examples.
We were recently reading an article related to content marketing trends and one paragraph, in particular, stood out to us. It read: “As more content goes online, consumers can find it hard to find the information they really want and need. As a result, marketers will need to find new ways to differentiate their content with creativity, new formats, research, and unique approaches.” We couldn’t agree more.
Although digital marketing has grown exponentially in recent years, traditional print marketing continues to be effective when delivering that targeted one-to-one connection with consumers especially when used in creative and unconventional ways, and when it comes to content marketing it’s all about delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. Here are some examples of how some industries and brands are delivering relevant content using print.